Ultra Filtration Systems

Ultra Filtration (UF) Systems are used to remove the colloidal particles and microorganisms present in the water.

Working Principle

The raw water is passed through the ultra filtration membranes with pore size ranging from 0.1 to 0.001 micron during which the physical and chemical contaminants present in the water are removed and a highly pure water is obtained.

As given in the SOP*, the filters have to be washed using the back wash method.

Technical Specifications

Make ASP
Model IRUF
Capacity Above 1000 LPH
Control type Manual, Automatic

We design, supply and install Ultra Filtration Systems of various capacities to suit the needs of the clients.


Dairy Industries
Dialysis units
Pulp and Paper effluent treatment
Food and Beverages Industries

Our Value Addition

Our systems offer maximum recovery, durability and reliability
Our focused evaluation of your requirement renders you the suitable solution
Our efficient design ensures the performance
Our supply of quality materials ensures lifetime of the products & projects
Our skilled installation ensures consistent performance
Our unwavering service and support ensure proper maintenance

*SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) will be provided after installation.